What Makes Stanford Consulting Special

Riya Sankhe

I thought I was only joining a pre professional organization when I first joined Stanford Consulting. While I had enjoyed my team’s banter when discussing the team’s projects during our weekly meetings, I had been oblivious to the camaraderie that had been built within my project team. In the hour preceding my first SC project team dinner, I found myself genuinely excited. It was the first purely social SC event I attended – where “business” was nowhere near the agenda of conversation – and I couldn’t wait. Despite being a pre professional organization, Stanford Consulting offers one of the strongest communities I have found on Stanford’s campus. 

One reason the SC offers such a strong community is each member's level of involvement and commitment. I always thought of clubs as an excellent opportunity to get to know new people and build community outside of my dorm, and I still believe that; however, when I first joined my first batch of clubs at Stanford during my freshman year, I found myself disappointed. In every club I joined, member attendance seemed sporadic, and it’s difficult to build community within an organization without the active participation of its members. In contrast, when I joined Stanford Consulting, one of the many things that surprised me was the level of commitment each member demonstrated. Every member of my project team showed up to our weekly team meetings, and every member was eager to participate, listen, and engage with one another. Even outside of club meetings, I found myself leaning on members of the SC community in my everyday life.

Another reason I am so grateful for the Stanford Consulting community is because I have found countless mentors through the organization. For instance, within the first few weeks, my PD became not only my friend but also someone who I looked up to for guidance and support. She gave me practical advice and reassurance when I worried about applying for summer internships. When I told her I was stressed about my first case interview, she offered to practice cases with me. 

The number of people willing to offer their mentorship to me extends beyond my project team. Part of what makes Stanford Consulting so special is everyone is willing to lend a helping hand. For instance, even the Managing Director of Stanford Consulting herself ran practice cases with me before my interview and connected me with other members of the organization who could offer advice and share their experiences. I am beyond grateful for the community I have found, and I can’t imagine a college experience without the Stanford Consulting community.

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